Meet other locals interested in Interaction Design, the professional discipline that defines how interactive products communicate their functionality to users and how users can interact with them. For more infromation, check out Professionals and non-professionals alike are Welcome!
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ProductTank João Pessoa
932 Product People
Started Jan 1 in João Pessoa, br
IxDA São José dos Campos
1236 Members
Started Jan 1 in São José dos Campos, br
Open UX - Porto Alegre
907 Members
Started Jan 1 in Porto Alegre, br
Sketch & Design Brasília - SketchBSB
289 Members
Started Jan 1 in Brasília, br
UXConf BR 2017 Redux Rio de Janeiro
50 Membros
Started Jan 1 in Rio de Janeiro, br
Design Talks
50 Membros
Started Jan 1 in Criciúma, br