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Largest Romanian Culture groups


Code for Romania

1,913 Members | Bucharest,
Photo of Code for RomaniaOrganized by Bogdan Vizureanu
HackDay#18 | Ediție online cu Code4Ro
HackDay17 ediție online COVID-19 & TFSG

Startup DNA - Romania

755 Romanian Entrepreneurs | Bucharest,
Photo of Startup DNA - RomaniaOrganized by Dan Lupascu
Startup DNA - banner

Romanians in Berlin Meetup

480 Romanians | Berlin,
Photo of Romanians in Berlin MeetupOrganized by Radu Tecusan
În caz ca nu ne recunoaștem.. o căutați pe Loli :)
<p>Grupul romanilor care locuiesc in Berlin. Daca esti nou in Berlin sau locuiesti aici de ceva vreme si doresti sa cunosti oameni faini la o bere esti binevenit.</p>
<p>Incercam sa ne adunam macar odata pe luna, sa stam la o poveste. Oricine e binevenit

Romanians in Philadelphia, PA, DE, MD, NJ, CT & NY

Photo of Romanians in Philadelphia, PA, DE, MD, NJ, CT & NYOrganized by Chitu Adrian Alexandru

Români în Sydney

Photo of Români în SydneyOrganized by Stefan Angheluta

Rotterdam Romanian Centre

80 Members | Rotterdam,
Photo of Rotterdam Romanian CentreOrganized by Cristina Staicu

New York Romanian Language

54 Members | New York,
Photo of New York Romanian LanguageOrganized by Chitu Adrian Alexandru

20's and 30's Eastern Europeans in DC/MD/VA

Photo of 20's and 30's Eastern Europeans in DC/MD/VAOrganized by Alexander S. Leikin