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What we’re about

What are the origins of wokeism? What is wokeism? How do we build up an intellectual defense against it?

These are the questions we will explore together.

Exploration into the Origins of Woke

Our thoughts immediately go the Post Modernists and the Frankfurt School:
e.g. Gramsci, Foucault, Derrida, Butler, Marcuse, Aldorno, Horkheimer, Fanon, et al.
But is there a thread(s), or a strain(s) of thought, that stretches' back further?

What is Woke?
We will discuss your thoughts. This is my understanding of the concept.
Wokeism is a radical leftist, quasi-revolutionary praxis, (in reality a reactionary, activist, ideology to create psycho-pathologized guilt and tribalistic rancor within society so that the ruling elites do not contend with an effective, organized, rival to their power) that has emerged out of the combined movements of post modernism and cultural Marxism. Objective reality is illusion. Reality is socially constructed. Wokeism retains the Marxist dichotomy of oppressor/victim narrative but instead of the power structure being the owners of Capital "stealing" from the workers, the fight is in the culture where race, sex, sexuality are used as instruments of domination. Gramsci, Foucault and Marcuse loom large as arguably the main influences on woke ideology.
Wokeism (like Marxism, a political religion) fills the void in the lives of many who have abandoned traditional religions.

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- This group is not affiliated with any organization.