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What we’re about

Welcome to Toronto WordPress Solutions group which embraces all aspects of WordPress Design and Development from strategies for delivering services via WordPress, to identifying major Web trends affecting your WP websites, to tracking the fast changing WordPress frontend and backend development scenes. All of the meetings will be conducted remotely by Zoom

Each attendee will have a 1-2 minute intro identifying themselves and the particular interest and/or questions they have for the meeting. This will be followed by the Latest WP News segment of 5 -10 minutes followed by a 15-25 minute presentation on the evenings topic. Presenters will be encouraged to find out what experience members have had with the WordPress topic under discussion.

The second part of the meeting will address all of the questions raised by attendees during their intro chat. The meeting Organizer will choose the order of the topics for discussion

At the meeting's wrap-up , members will get a)to propose what topics to discuss in the next meetup and b)organize any impromptu free continuing zoom discussions of outstanding issues.