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What we’re about

The Toronto Psychedelic Society (TPS) is a diverse, multidisciplinary community of academics, students, researchers, artists, therapists, teachers, counselors and others with a shared interest in psychedelics. We seek to provide more opportunity for our members to learn more about the multifaceted aspects of psychedelics. 
We are a community that contributes our passion, ideas and courage to help others heal, to support psychedelic science, to educate and inform, and to have the freedom to explore our own consciousness.
We have many communities of interest: 

> Education: de-stigmatization, community, outreach, harm reduction
> Entrepreneurs
> Artists and musicians

> Science: psychedelic medicine
, clinical research, fundraising

> Integration: therapy, consciousness, integration and psychology

> Events: communications, social media, and operations 

We believe that psychedelics can be used safely when users are knowledgeable and informed. Stigmatization of users and half-baked ideas arise from ignorance. We believe in communicating fair and honest messages about the safe use of psychedelics. 
We create safe spaces where we can have psychedelic conversations. We host spaces to talk about personal experiences, and sponsor supportive integration circles. We believe integration is the key to learning from psychedelic experiences. 
We host a stage for the discussion and dissemination of psychedelic science. We support psychedelic research undertaken by MAPS Canada (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), Maps USA, The Beckley Foundation, The Heffter Institute and other sources of valid scientific enquiry.
We encourage engagement. We are a community of free-thinking, open- minded people. So engage with us!

Membership Guidelines
* We encourage curiosity and open-mindedness in our members 

* What happens in meetings stays in meetings. Please respect 
other’s confidentiality 

* All discussions and events are declared to be safe spaces 

* Group meetings are to be inclusive and free of judgment 

* Our meetings are substance-free 

* We do not support the promotion of any enterprise that is not 
aligned with our statement of intent 

* Intoxicated people will be removed from meetings if they are 
deemed to be disruptive 

* We support evidence-based practices from well-regarded clinical 

* No member of TPS may speak for the group without tacit approval 

* All decisions of the group are to be based on consensus 

* Individuals attempting to sell or distribute illegal substances at 
our events will be asked to leave 

* Leaders nurture and grow with the group, not govern it

Upcoming events (4+)

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