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What we’re about

# Trails & Toasts: São Miguel's Social Hiking Hub 🥾🍷
Welcome to *Trails & Toasts*, the merry band of wanderers and social butterflies fluttering through the lush landscapes of São Miguel! We're a group that stitches the seams of networking with the threads of nature, crafting a tapestry of connections both wild and warm.

Sign up for Adventures:
Stride into the embrace of emerald hills,
Where laughter intertwines with thrills.
Each step a story, each path a friend,
In São Miguel, the fun never ends!

Forge Friendships:
Join hands with souls just like yours,
Seeking joy on distant shores.
From peak to pub, from dawn to dusk,
Friendships blossom from dawn to dusk.

Savor the Socials:
Raise a glass to the setting sun,
Where tales are spun and cheers begun.
In the glow of twilight's tender kiss,
Find a haven of communal bliss.

Network with Nature:
Link your life with kindred spirits,
In the wild, where we inherit
A world of wonder, wide and vast,
Creating memories that forever last.

So, if you're keen to hike and mingle,
Where the solitary streams do tingle,
Trails & Toasts is where you must be,
In São Miguel, where the land meets the sea!

Join us, and let the island's magic unfold,
In stories yet to be told,
For every trail leads to friendship's door,
And every toast to something more.

Upcoming events

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