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What we’re about

The Mormon Transhumanist Association is an international nonprofit organization that promotes change toward radical flourishing in creativity and compassion through technology and religion, as outlined in the Transhumanist Declaration and the Mormon Transhumanist Affirmation. We support discussion and public awareness of emerging technologies, defend the right of individuals in free and democratic societies to adopt technologies that expand human capacities, and anticipate and propose solutions for the potential consequences of emerging technologies. Although we are neither a religious organization nor affiliated with any religious organization, we support our members in their personal religious affiliations, and encourage them to adapt Transhumanism to their unique situations.

The Utah Valley Chapter of the Mormon Transhumanist Association gets together about once a month to talk about Mormonism, Transhumanism, technology, spirituality, science, religion, and just about anything else you can imagine. Most of us are Mormons or have a Mormon background or interests, and similarly most of us identify to some extent or another as Transhumanists, but you don't have to be a Mormon or a Transhumanist to participate. We do ask that you support (which doesn't necessarily mean "agree with") the Transhumanist Declaration and the Mormon Transhumanist Affirmation to join. See you soon!