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What we’re about

Hey there! I’m Rachael K, a Holistic Health an life coach who specializes in self-love and body-empowerment.

How I got here....5 years ago I was at the lowest point in my life. I was totally lost, numbing with food and alcohol and was 100 lbs overweight. I felt frustrated and angry with myself and the world.

I knew there was more for me in life, I just didn’t know where to start.

One day, I had enough and started changing one habit at a time. So began my journey of physical, mental and spiritual transformation.

👉Now I help other people who know similar struggles reach their embrace radical self-love by combining neuroscience, mindfulness, embodiment work, and other holistic health practices.

When we love ourselves fully and unconditionally, we lead the way for others to follow and contribute to raising consciousness.

This page is intended to display offers, events, and free services. The backbone of my business is build on COMMUNITY! So please feel free to reach out, join my Facebook page, or connect on other socials.

Instagram: @coach_rachaelk
ph: 734-259-9351

*B.S. in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience
*Certified holistic health coach