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Muir Woods

From: linda b.
Sent on: Friday, October 19, 2012, 8:45 AM

Just a reminder for the Muir Woods hike, bring lunch and water or buy it at the cafe.

I'm arriving at Marin City for the shuttle which leaves at 10:30 and arrives at Muir Woods at 11:10 so if you're not on the shuttle, you can meet me at the entrance to the park.  There is a few hours before the next shuttle so you'd have to drive and look for parking in the lot.

There's only 6 miles of trails in the park so we might venture outside the park but it will be a moderate hike.  I said that about Yosemite and the hike turned out to be strenuous but with gorgeous views.

I'm a blond and I'll wear if a hat.






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