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What we’re about

Welcome and Group Rules
Welcome Travelers, Hikers and Foodies. Let's share our common interests, not necessarily in that order nor mutually exclusive of each other, and make new friends along the way.

Let's enjoy the outdoors, great food and good friends!!

Please have a recognizable photo of your self and take some time to review the group rules. This is as much for your safety as others.



Group Rules
1. Please have a recognizable photo of yourself. This is as much for your safety as that of others.

2. Please make sure that your intention, when you RSVP, is to attend and not just secure a spot. There are some capacity issues with certain hikes (permits, etc) and I would like to make sure that everyone that wants to attend has the opportunity to do so. Any cancellations should be made before 7 pm the day before an event to allow others an opportunity to join.

3. Please do NOT send unsolicited contact to other members asking for personal information, hanging out or dates unless you have their permission. Obvious exceptions include mutually agreed upon continuation of conversation from an event, invitation or you have received permission to do so. Please feel free to private message me if any of you should encounter such situations and I will address it accordingly.

4. Events that do not allow guests are so for a reason. Guests to those events must register for the group and then the event. Those events require that all attendees in must be registered members of the group.

With that being said, members that show up to events without securing a spot will be asked to leave and subject to the possibility of removal from the group. Members that encourage this type of behavior are also subject to removal from the group. This is not fair to those on the waitlist nor to those that follow the group rules which are here for a reason.

5. Please reserve the comments section of each event for organizer updates.  Use the event chat room for conversation, discussion or attendee input.  This leaves the comments section for easy and clean organizer communication with attendees in high touch events.

6. By signing up for the group and its events, you release the organizers and THE from any liability stemming from activity that may occur during the event itself.

7. Please do not cancel or change your reservation the day of an event. While life happens and I know that there are circumstances out of our control, bailing the day of an event takes away from everyone else that is on the waitlist. Please make any cancellations before 7 pm the day before an event. I will track same day bailouts and no shows which may affect your reservation for future high impact events.

8. Please be sensitive about obtaining permission from individuals before distributing photos to other requesting members. Treat the situation as if it will end up on social media and remember to obtain permission from the photo subjects before sending it on, unless the one doing the requesting is also in the photo.  Please honor any requests from members requesting photos to be taken down.

9. Please respect everyone in the group, their culture, beliefs and lifestyle. Everyone is welcome here.

Don't hesitate to PM me if you have suggestions and or concerns and have FUN!!

David, THE Organizer