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What we’re about


This is a group for everyone interested in the sport of triathlon in the city of Zürich. Let’s get together to train and get in shape for the upcoming races, or even just for fun. We’ll mostly be organizing cycling tours and after­work swim sessions in the lake or at one of the many swimming pools.

As quite a few of our members, ourselves included, regularly take part in running sessions organised bz Zurich Happy Runners, we do not schedule separate running sessions within this group, to avoid conflicting meetups/events. We encourage everyone with the interest in running sessions (i.e. intervals) to join Zurich Happy Runners!

If there is enough interest, we could also do some combination sessions (i.e Swim + Bike, Bike + Run, etc.) and practice our transitions ;­). Everyone is welcome!

Everyone participates at their own risk.


Das ist eine Gruppe für alle Triathlon begeisterte in Zürich­City. Bei gemeinsamen Trainings verbessern wir unsere Form für die kommenden Rennen oder trainieren einfach zum Spass. Wir organisieren regelmässig Radtouren, Schwimmtrainings im See oder Hallenbad. Je nach interesse werden wir auch kombiniete Trainings duchführen (z.B Schwimmen + Rennrad etc.). Es sind alle (unabhänig vom Formstand) Wilkommen!

Jegliche Haftung ausgeschlossen.