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What we’re about

"{Eurogames} are a breed of tight, well-designed games that resemble Monopoly the way a Porsche 911 resembles a Chevy Cobalt." -- Andrew Curry, Wired.


You'll love this group if you're sociable and enjoy intelligent activities. The games we play are much more cerebral than the Monopoly and Risk you grew up on. We have some excellent game teachers, who will explain the rules to you and make sure you have a good time on your first night out. We love having people come back :) If you notice, we've had fairly consistant crowds every week for nearly a year. A typical game night has anywhere from 10-20 people at it, with 2-4 games played at any given time. It can get loud at times, yet it can become quiet as a library, if we have too many heavy strategy games going at one time. We have games ranging from very light social games to games that would make a world champion chess master scratch his head wondering what to do next. But they're all fun, and the company really can't be beat. My favorite quote about playing these games is: "The goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important - not the winning" Most of the people who come to this abide by that rule. We all try to win, but no one minds it when they don't. You can check out my list of games at


If you are wondering about Eurogames, or modern boardgames in general, check out this article a buddy of mine wrote on the subject:

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