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Fwd: Marathon for COK Benefit

From: Jen
Sent on: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 12:54 PM
Yay, Brandon! Good news! Thanks for sharing :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Niles <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]; Heather Neal <[address removed]>; Chris Ammon <[address removed]>; Annemarie Niles <[address removed]>; Dad <[address removed]>; [address removed] <[address removed]>; [address removed] <[address removed]>; Bethany Richmond <[address removed]>; Doug <[address removed]>; Janice Rhoades <[address removed]>; Bonnie Thorn <[address removed]>; Tom Blust <[address removed]>; Stephen Kane <[address removed]>; Big Bro <[address removed]>; [address removed]; Neal Heather L <[address removed]>
Sent: Thu, 5 Mar[masked]:25 am
Subject: Re: Marathon for COK Benefit

In case anyone was curious, the goal was reached and Myke successfully ran the marathon, raising $5,000 for COK including the $2,500 matched by Rory Freedman!  The link above is a little write up that COK did about it.  Very cool, and thanks so much to everyone who helped reach the goal!

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Brandon Niles <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello to all my fellow animal-loving friends.  For those of you that don't know, my buddy Myke Boss will be running in a marathon in Tampa Bay to raise money for Compassion Over Killing (COK), an outstanding organization in the D.C. area that does a lot to help out animals.  Check out what Myke just sent me about is :
"Dude! COK just told me that Rory Freedman (co-author of "Skinny Bitch") thinks that my Marathon For Compassion is awesome! She has pledged to match my fundraiser $2500 if I raise $2500! I'm totally stoked about it! It's up to $1840 already! It ends next week!"
So we're trying to get from $1840 to $2,500 in the next week so that Rory Freedman will match it.  If you can't help or don't want to, I totally understand; and I hate sending these things out, but If anyone can help at all, it'd be really appreciated and it's a great organization.  Also, please forward this to anyone who might be interested in helping. 
Thanks Everyone!