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Paid User Research Opportunity with IBM

From: Chris
Sent on: Friday, October 10, 2014, 1:54 PM
IBM DevOps Services will be conducting paid user research in RTP next week for developers who currently practice some form of "DevOps" - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment. The study will last approximately 2 hours and compensation is $150.
Study sessions will be held Tues, 10/14 – Thurs, 10/16 at the IBM campus in RTP (we'll send you directions) with multiple slots each day.
Please complete this online questionnaire if interested (it'll take 5 minutes or less):
If you qualify to participate, I will contact you to schedule a specific day and time.
Feel free to forward this email to any qualified person you think may be interested in participating. Please contact me with any questions.

Chris Kelley


Chris Kelley, Ph.D.
User Experience Research & Design,
IBM DevOps Services
[address removed] |[masked]

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