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Did you know........

From: Melissa C.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 4:47 PM
that Bronto Software is hiring??

yes, that's right! we are!  it's true!

We currently have two openings in our Systems Engineering group

Linux Systems Engineer

A few of us on the Bronto team will be @ the meetup this evening(Doug, Dan, and Dan, Matthew, and Magnus), hosted @ what a surprise.... Bronto Software, so feel free to ask us any burning questions you may have about the big gentle giant Bronto.

Thank you, see you tonight!  As usual we will have pizza and of course beer on tap to warm you up from the cold.... well not initially because the beer will be cold of course, but you know what I mean.

Thank you!



Melissa Crosby, Recruiting
Bronto Software
[masked](p)[masked](f)|[address removed]| @brontohunter
The Marketing Platform for Commerce

Bronto Software Voted Best Places to Work
NCTA Software Company of the Year
Stevie Award Winner for Best Customer Service
Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies

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