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New Meetup: TVS Crosspost - Vegan Potluck and Rynn Berry lecture on raw foodism

From: Stephanie H.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 11:51 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triangle Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup!

What: TVS Crosspost - Vegan Potluck and Rynn Berry lecture on raw foodism

When: Saturday, August 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Durham Friends Meeting House
404 Alexander Ave
Durham, NC 27705

This is a crosspost of a Triangle Vegetarian Society event.

info from
Saturday, August 28 - 7:00 PM
Vegan Potluck and Rynn Berry speaking on history of raw foodism
Durham Friends Meeting house
404 Alexander Avenue, Durham
After we eat, Rynn will talk about the history of raw foodism. He will be bringing some of his books with him, so if you are interested, you can purchase a signed copy. Please bring a vegan dish to share, along with a place setting for yourself and any utensils needed to serve your dish. If possible, please make your dish raw; some sample recipes are available. Our links page has a section on raw foods, and many online recipes are available, such as at,, and by searching at But don't let any of this deter you ? pick up some fresh juice, slice up some vegetables, or bring a favorite vegan cooked dish of yours if you prefer.

Rynn is a lecturer at New School for Social Research in New York City, and will speak on the history of raw foodism based on his new book that he has co-authored with Brenda Davis and Vesanto Mellina, "Becoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets". Mr. Berry is author of five additional books, including "Food for the Gods" and "Famous Vegetarians", and is in pre-press with a book called "Fruits of Tantalus: A History of Vegan Rawfoodism and the Origins of Cooking". He is the author of the entry on the history of vegetarianism in the United States in the forthcoming "Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink". He is a well known lecturer on these and related topics, and has spoken in venues around the world. Mr. Berry is historical advisor to the North American Vegetarian Society and is on the Advisory Board of Earth Save.

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