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What we’re about

Hi there Vibrant Tribe

I've created this group to help members on their journey towards a healthier lifestyle without substances.
This is a process, it takes time, patience, self-love & commitment to make it stick. You are taking back control of your life. Training & remembering the True Vibrant You hidden underneath.

Whether you are just sober curious, in the process of cutting back or in full recovery. There is no judgment, all are welcome. We are in this together.

About me:
My name is Veronica or Vee for short.
I started like most, with the occasional drink, smoke or line just for "fun".
It soon escalated & completely took over my life.
Soon i was partying when happy, sad, stressed or for any reason i could find.
And when i tried to stop, I realized what grib these substances had on me.
I went through all my memories & couldn't find a single birthday or holiday where i was sober, i had lost the ability to enjoy life without substances.

It took a lot of practice with lot's of failed attempts along the way, but it didn't matter. I got back up, added more tools to my self care kit & tried again. I was in training to remind my body that it was possible to handle or enjoy life without substances.

Now I'm working with others on their journey to Freedom. Sharing what I've learned & creating a Vibrant community.

What to expect:
* Sober activities & workshops
* Why & how we get stuck
* Alternative drinks to try
* How to handle social situations
* What to read, watch or try
* Supportive tools, community & more....

All events will have an Energy exchange fee to help cover costs, for accountability & to help keep our community growing.

Sending love and light

Upcoming events (1)

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