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What we’re about

Members of Tsukuba International Tennis Club (TITC) play tennis on Sundays in Tsukuba, Ibaraki. The purpose of TITC is to enjoy tennis and international exchange at the same time. If you are interested, please contact us. The club was started by Akira in August 2012 as a small group of people who play tennis among the members of our international hiking club, TWMC. The group grew bigger and now about 6-8 people regularly attend the sessions.
Our tennis session is held on Sundays in the afternoons, at a couple of different tennis courts in Tsukuba, Ibaraki. There is no annual membership fee and all you have to pay is 100 yen in each session, which is used for buying new balls and other club equipments.
Member's tennis levels range from beginner, intermediate to advanced and about half of the members are foreigners and the other half are Japanese. The majority of members are researchers, but there are also some non-researchers, such as office workers, company owners, engineers, university students, etc.
We usually play doubles but sometimes play singles. We require new members to be able to speak some English, possess their own tennis gear (except for balls), and have some tennis experience. Ideally, new members should feel comfortable practicing independently with fellow members and playing doubles games, but we do organize ball machine session for beginners sometimes.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact us for a quick chat. All email announcements for the club are made in English.
For more information about our club, please visit our Facebook site:
If you have trouble signing up to, please contact Akira by sending email to: titcakira(at)

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