What we’re about
The Tucson Area Vampire and Otherkin Community (TAVOC), originally called Tucson Otherkin, was established in November 2009. “Otherkin” is a word for people who identify in some way — physically, psychologically, and/or spiritually — with nonhuman beings, or with beings typically described as “supernatural,” although for us they may seem, or inwardly feel, more or less natural. We are a positive and ethical group of otherkin (sometimes called “were-creatures”), vampires of various types (“psi,” “sang,” “hybrid,” and possibly others), donors, and goths who interact with each other on a monthly (and sometimes more frequent) basis. We are forging friendships and developing trust amongst ourselves, and learning as we go. Those of us with energy needs don't feed on others without their explicit consent; we don't feed on other group members, the sick, the elderly, children, those who are mentally unstable, or pregnant women, as these people either need their energy themselves, or can't handle being fed from. We strive to improve our understanding of who and what we are, and to educate others. At our meetings we welcome everyone interested: those who know they are Otherkin, those who think they might be, those who are friends or relatives of Otherkin, and anyone else who is open-minded and Otherkin-friendly.
Participation is strongly encouraged; lurking is discouraged. This is a MEET-up group. That means we MEET and DO THINGS, not lurk on a list and never be active! Lurkers are liable to get deleted for inactivity. (You're always free to sign up again if you decide to participate.) We are trying to build and network the Tucson Vampires and Otherkin communities and can't do that if people don't show up to events as well as participate on this website..
If you have experience with organizing things, or creative skills such as writing or graphics, and would like to help out with the Tucson Otherkin Meetup Group, let the organizer know! Also, if you'd like to sponsor our group, that would be cool, too. Contact April, the Organizer.
Hope to see you soon at one of our Meetups!