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What we’re about

Millennial Moms don't have the village our parents and grandparents had. We were told we could have it all, but the rest of the world didn't really show up to support us. In addition to having careers and lives, we are often still the primary caregivers of our children, the household engineers, the emotional support person, and the glue that keeps our families running. This has gotten even worse with the pandemic, the lack of affordable childcare options and parental leave glaringly missing.

It can be so difficult to ask for help and to lean on others when we have been fed a steady diet of individualism and a need for hyper-independence. We've forgotten how to ask for help, when I know so many of us are just waiting for a moment to be of service to others.

This group is all about community care for Tucson Millennial moms who are craving the village we've been missing. We will spend time at these gatherings holding space for one another in our struggles without judgment in a Nurture Circle, followed by ample time to socialize and create relationships. If you're a mom who is feeling burned out and in need of care, please join us.

(LGBTQ+ mamas/parents are welcome!)

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