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New Meetup: First Friday Mixer with The ACE Club

From: Levent
Sent on: Friday, March 6, 2009, 12:03 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Turkish Language Meetup Group!

What: First Friday Mixer with The ACE Club

When: March 6,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: My apologies for this last minute post. Yes we are joining forces with the ACE Club again and bringing you this event. Come join me and my friends at the ACE Club for the First Friday Mixer. ACE stands for Adventure, Camaraderie, and Entertainment. This is not a singles club. It's open to all residents of the Bay Area who wish to meet people, make friends, and share interests. Most of the members are in their 30?s and 40?s. We already have 40+ confirmed RSVPs. Here is the description for this event from the ACE Club?s Meetup site:

This is the Bay Area's friendliest mixer so make sure to introduce yourself to as many people as possible. No cliques, just lots of fun professionals interested in meeting new people. It's where the ACE reveling regulars meet the new members. Enjoy a drink and lots of intelligent conversation. Roll up anytime from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Hang out at the bar and/or have dinner with some of the group.

This will be a really friendly crowd, as always, so introduce yourself to as many people as you can and ask them what they are doing this weekend. Or ask, 'what do you do?' The answer to this question should be, 'I scuba dive,' or 'I jam in a rock band' or 'I love to mountain bike'. Not, 'I'm a computer programmer,' or 'I sell software,' get the idea. Time out! Leave the work behind and bring in the weekend. Have a great time with some great new friends.

Disclaimer: Attending First Friday Mixers can cause irreparable damage to your social space-time continuum. This event can cause intense mental side effects such as joy, happiness, and feelings of camaraderie. Bring a smile and a friendly heart. Invite your fun friends. We want to meet them too.

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