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What we’re about

The only twerk dance fitness teacher in Seattle with Mapouka and Zulu dance experience and is a New Orleans Baby Doll, seen on television and at dance party events. We put twerk fitness  it on the radar in Seattle with classes, personal appearances and a foundation of teaching Mapouka, AfroBeats, New Orleans Bounce and twerk in Seattle for years.

If you are passionate about empowering women and believe that translates into all aspects of life, believe in integrity, love street dance, and have a passion for turning up-this is for you!

We are more than dance fitness classes but lovers of Diaspora Music and dance!  Led by Mardi Gras/ Carnival Baby Tricia with the spirt of New Orleans' musical legends in her veins, we offer classes but also cultural events to connect).

All ages and levels, we believe in body and age inclusivity