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What we’re about

Twist & Twist 由兩位熱愛氣球造型的年青人所成立,致力以氣球為身邊所有人帶來歡樂及寶貴的回憶!

Twist & Twist 會不定期提供扭氣球工作坊,為有意學習氣球造型的朋友提供基本技巧教授及數個不同造型的製作方法。有關工作坊的詳細內容請密切留意 Twist & Twist Facebook專頁及 meetup 的更新

‘Twist & Twist’ is a group of two whole-hearted youngsters loving to provide balloon-twisting entertainment & services, bringing the fun and happiness to our clients, friends and the ones we know.

If you are interested in learning the balloon twisting or some balloon characters and sculptures, you could join our occasional tutorial classes to make the ones with your own hands ! Stay tunned to our facebook page and meetup updates !