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What we’re about

Did you start a youtube channel or planning to be a video creators. Meet us on monthly discussions and meetups across UAE to discuss our latest projects, tips and tricks, equipments talks, collaborate and motivate each other to create more.
شاركنا في نقاش شهري عن صناعة محتوى الفيديو على الانترنت
الملتقى مناسب للهواة والمحترفين لمناقشة آخر مشاريعنا والتقنيات المستخدمة والتعاون في مشاريع مشتركة وتحفيز بعضنا لنبدع أكثر.

We aim to learn from each other and hope we meet experts to learn from them as well.

Our goal is to bring the local online video community closer together and to inspire and help each other succeed by sharing our collective experience in the video industry.

We will focus on both Arabic and English content.