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What we’re about

Many book groups have an unwritten rule: their reading is limited to books of a certain length, above which the group deems the work unmanageable. This group, on the other hand, is dedicated to extremely long works of fiction: piles of multi-volume series or door-stopping bricks. Many of these works are an attempt to capture the events of an entire lifetime, generations of family life, or the sweep of an entire culture over several decades.

Also unlike other groups, this is a consensus-based democracy, wherein all may make suggestions and anyone may veto. In addition, we take turns choosing the works we read.

We lean toward the classics, like Proust, Tolstoy, and Zola, but we'll read 21st century authors, like Pat Barker and Hilary Mantel. The one restriction here is not on length, but genre: no fantasy or science fiction. You can fly your dragons and spaceships elsewhere.

P.S. The management of this group on Meetup and its accompanying Zoom membership is costly. Contributions, which are entirely voluntary, can be made through Venmo ( or PayPal (, or by the Pledge link on the group's homepage.