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What we’re about

Sober does not equal boring! No sireeee. Are you a teetotaller and are keen to meet others who like to have fun without booze in the mix? Or maybe you're doing a dry January, Feb Fast, Dry July, Ocsober or just some time off, and would just like to try something different (sans alcohol) for a bit?
Whether you're alcohol-free for a night or a lifetime, come and join us at Untoxicated! This is a group whose focus isn't on not drinking. It's for people who refuse to be defined by whether they drink or not, who still like to get out amongst it and have fun but in the (relatively!) safe space of likeminded non-imbibers, and through a range of different activities. 
Think movies, dinners, bush walks, kayaking, brunches, visit galleries, live music, picnics ... and open to your suggestions!  Look forward to meeting you over a mocktail :) 
Our web home with info on groups nationally and everything else Untoxicated is here: 
Please note:
We charge a $2.50 booking fee to secure your place at events. We started out as a tiny meet up group and we are now a national charity operating various groups and growing, and across multiple platforms - the fee helps cover the meet up fees and other costs associated with running Untoxicated.

We are entirely volunteer run. All deposits are non-refundable. Attendance at our events is on the understanding we do not hold insurance and as such you agree to waive liability. We sometimes take photos that we use on Meet Up and/or social media. Please let us know if you do not wish to be photographed.