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KAYAK French Broad river. Cummings Rd to Westfeldt

Photo of Tim D
Hosted By
Tim D.
KAYAK French Broad river. Cummings Rd to Westfeldt


KAYAK French Broad river.
Load boats and leave 9:30 sharp. Be at Cummings road horseshoe access at 10:15.
Paddle Cummings Rd to Westfeldt. 10mi trip.
River paddle, possibly some Class1 rapids.
If 2"+ rain day before, we may move kayak date.
Gauge >9ft will cancel

Other: If this is your first kayak with me, please contact me via the Meetup site to discuss your kayaking capabilities before you come on your first hike with me. You are also responsible for the capabilities of any guest you bring so please make sure they can do the event. Emergency contact information: Please have an emergency information sheet in your pack in case of an emergency. Information on it should include your full name, address, and phone number, medical conditions, allergies, blood type (if known), and emergency contact name and telephone number. This information is for emergency medical personnel. We will not ask you for this information. No dogs please. Children under 14: Please check with me before you bring a child under 14.
Fee: none
Carpool Fee: $5-7

Photo of Upstate Hiking and Outdoor Adventures group
Upstate Hiking and Outdoor Adventures
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