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What we’re about

What actually IS Metafit?

Apart from a fabulous friendly and effective group exercise class in Valencia.

Metafit is a HIIT session.

H - high
I - intensity
I - interval
T - training

A high intensity interval training session.

Ok, ok but what does that mean?

It means, using only your beautiful body weight [no equipment needed for this session] you will do body weight only exercises for a set amount of time then you will rest for a set amount of time.

For example:

⏱️ Squats for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Move onto the next exercise..

⏱️ Hill climber [everyone's fave] for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds.

What I LOVE about being a Metafit coach, as do my Metafitters, is that every workout is different.

⏳ The shortest workout is only 12 mins and the longest is 27 mins.

Short, sharp and sweaty!

The idea is work as hard as you possibly can [or to your current fitness level], get yourself out of puff, muscles complaining a 'bit'. REST. Then repeat.

🎵 All the Metafit workouts are automated and have awesome music.

Because the tracks, sorry, workouts, are automated and I don't have to count or keep track of time, I can move around the group and COACH you.

I have been a Metafit coach since 2011 and I think it is an absolutely brilliant session for all round fitness and fun.

Why don't you come and give it a go?

First session is FREE [if you live in Vlc]

👀 Metafit is every Tuesday and Thursday at 9.15am

Go on, you just might LOVE it! 💜

Then you have a few options:
10 session bono 60 euros [most popular]
5 session bono 35 euros [if you can only come once a week]
Drop in price 8 euros [if you are visiting VLC]

We are a friendly bunch who will make you feel welcome at Metafit.
I know trying a new class can be scary. I totally get that. I promise, we will be friendly, kind and caring.

Oh and on Thursday, we go for coffee after the session.

Great way to get fit and make new friends in Valencia.
📍Meet under the bridge by Alameda metro
📌 Bring a mat* and water
📌Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9.15am
📌 No need to book, just rock up and ask for me, Katherine (but I’ll more than likely spot you first)

*If you want to borrow a mat, send me a Whatsapp before the session and let me know. 664 416 967

You don’t have to be great to start but you do have to start to be great 💜

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