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What we’re about

We are a new inclusive community centered around fintech, banking, defi and all things Web3. We are keen to meet new and interesting people, entrepreneurs and SMEs in the space. We look forward to running many IRL events and some online fireside chats.

Welcome to our group we look forward to meeting over a coffee or wine sometime soon.

More about:
Valhalla Network is a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) that will establish and own a global network of community banks.

Valhalla Network banks will serve as epicentres for sustainable economic growth, but for the local community. The focus for credit creation will be local small & medium sized enterprises, with lending being ethical and community minded. Each bank will also fund local social and charitable initiatives as part of its mission.

Valhalla Network governance token holders will control the DAO by submitting and voting on proposals to steer Valhalla Network forward.