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What we’re about

The Vancouver Financial Mastery Meetup will provide an opportunity for success-driven, idea-hungry, passion-oriented people to get together for sharing, understanding and mastering financial ideas.  The purpose of this group is to understand the strategies of wealth creation and growth. 

We will explore the answer to this and other questions, such as the following:

- What is wealth?
- What do people do to create and grow wealth?
- How do investments work?
- How should I invest?
- Is insurance important?
- How should I feel about taxes?
- How do income taxes work?
- Is there a spiritual side to money?
- Is financial planning beneficial?
- Should I invest into Real Estate?  or Gold?  or Oil?  or ______________?
- Many more

We will bring experts and guest speakers to share their wisdom and experience as well. Other topics of discussion may include physical and spiritual wealth, real estate, stocks, alternative investing strategies, and many more. This group was created for individuals who would like to better understand physical and spiritual wealth in a safe environment.

All levels are welcome.

Attending this meetup could be the best financial decision you have ever made in your life! Looking forward to seeing you there.

Alexei Schwartzman, CFP
Certified Financial Planner  

Mutual funds products are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc.

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