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What we’re about

The ethos of this group is to establish community in Vancouver, Washington around the safe and ethical use of psychedelic medicines. Please join us if you are interested in, preparing for or integrating a psychedelic experience or simply wanting some guidance and education around the vast amount of information there is out there about these potentially powerful and healing tools. We do not partake in or exchange substances at these meetings, so please be respectful and DON'T ASK.

About me:
Hi, I'm Courtney. I am a trauma informed psychedelic guide, educator and microdosing/integration support coach. Having struggled much of my adult life with anxiety, depression and unhealthy coping mechanisms, I turned to psychedelic medicines out of desperation to explore the deeper implications of these struggles and for meaning to my life. In doing so, my outlook has dramatically changed for the better, and helping others on this path is my passion and purpose. As a nurse and through my own journey of healing, I know firsthand the limitations and roadblocks within the current health care model. Psychedelics, along with compassionate support and a holistic perspective, have the potential to break us out of old patterns that are holding us back from being fully and authentically engaged in life RIGHT NOW. My goal is to help others navigate their own unique healing journey with compassion and balance, between the realms of science and spirituality. I hope you'll join me on this wild and wonderful ride of rediscovering who we really are! If you are curious to learn more about me and my professional offerings, please visit my website at to schedule a consult.

Many healing blessings to you all,

Courtney Ponsford

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