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What we’re about

The goal of the Vandalia/Tipp City/Huber Heights running and cycling group is inclusivity. The group is intended to support and encourage exercise enthusiasts of all fitness levels in the northern suburban communities. If you are interested in finding community, support, and non-exclusionary runs and bike rides for every fitness level, sign up for notifications. Our group runs and bike rides will take place on the Great Miami River Recreational Trail (the bike path), road routes, and on wooded hiking trails throughout the area, ranging from 3 - 10 miles in distance for runs, and 15- 50 miles for bike rides. Our paces will likely attract runners ranging in paces from 9:00 min/mile to 14:00 min/mile. We will pair or group similar-paced runners or cyclists together in the beginning of each practice, and take head counts and names for safety and to ensure all members return to the start.