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Vegan trip to NYC this weekend

From: stephanie
Sent on: Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 9:56 AM

Hey everyone,

Just a reminder that the vegan NYC trip is this weekend.

I will be going down there Saturday and coming back Sunday.

AFS (anti-fur society) has an all-day conference, then a reception and vegan fashion show in the evening.

My plan is also to run on Sunday morning for anyone interested then going to a vegan restaurant for lunch.

I'm meeting some people up there but it would also be great to have more vegan-powered's join us!

Please RSVP if you're coming.


PS-Please like us on Facebook:, check out the winning team picture on there too!

PSS-I have another opening for an intern in my fitness program.  If you are new to the group you may not have seen my original email, here's the information:

"I wanted to share with you an opportunity with fitness.

This is for anyone who has ever wondered what a personal training career would be like.

Are you passionate about fitness and curious to know if it would be a good career for you?

Like anything in life change is scary, but starting a new job is really scary. What if you don’t like it? What if you feel you don’t fit in with the team? What if you hate coming to work each day?

Since I’ve spent more than 6 years doing what I love I can't imagine doing anything else! But you know what the best part of each day has been for me?  I get really excited seeing people feeling happy and healthy, and being thankful for how we have influenced them. I think that I speak for my team in that I’m pretty sure they all feel the same way I do in that regard.

More people need our help so there is an opportunity here. Not only are we always looking for great talent for our team (and interestingly enough many of our very best trainers started as former clients), we know by teaching people already passionate about working out to help coach others; we effectively help more people and make bigger steps towards our mission.

We’re offering an internship for people who might be curious to know what a career in fitness looks like. The internship is a 10-20 hour unpaid work experience with our certified trainers.

You would start by completing a brief interview to identify whether you’re a good candidate for this internship experience.

You would be matched to a trainer for 10 hours of hands on practical experience. At the conclusion the trainer will evaluate your engagement, willingness to learn, proactivity, and coachability. These hours are quite flexible to conveniently fit around your current lifestyle.

Upon successfully completing Phase 1 we’ll facilitate access to our trainer internship program.

From there you may be offered a position with our team.

If this opportunity interests you or someone you may know please email us at [address removed] with the following:

Why would you make a great personal trainer / boot camp coach?

Why is learning to coach others important to you?

Assuming you fell in love with this career path how soon would you be looking to pursue a career in fitness?

Describe your fitness experience to date, especially in any instances where you may have inspired, coached or helped others reach their own goals.

I would love to build our vegan army of fitness coaches!  Please reach out if you're interested.

