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5k to benefit Poplar Spring Animal Santuary is open to register!

From: stephanie
Sent on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 10:46 AM

Hi everyone,

The 5K for Poplar Spring is opened so you can enroll!  Click HERE to register and make sure to find the Vegan-Powered team among the options of teams.

Lets make this year another winning year!

Here's one thing they said in their email that's good news about the course: "The exciting news is that Brookside Gardens is back! Now that construction within Brookside Gardens has been completed, we have once again incorporated it into the race course, making it a much flatter, and even more beautiful course."

When: Sunday, May 15,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Wheaton Regional Park
2000 Shorefield Road
Wheaton, MD 20902

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