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What we’re about

The intent of this group is to keep people informed about the roaming "No Meat & Mingle" vegan potlucks and sometimes other vegan gathering in or near Los Angeles county. 

The "No Meat & Mingle" vegan potlucks are a great place for open hearted people to come together in community and share conversation and great vegan food, and to learn about veganism.  All people who are respectful to other people are encouraged to attend (you need not be vegan). The "No Meat & Mingle"  potlucks are raw friendly which means that both cooked and raw dishes are acceptable but raw dishes are kept in a designated place. We are always looking for new hosts, so if you would like to host an event, please contact the Meetup organizer.

Please keep in mind that as a community we endeavor to be mindful of our impact on the environment and on the hosts/hostesses of our event.  To that end we ask that all attendees always bring their own reusable plate/bowl, cup, eating utensils and serving utensils to each party so that there is neither paper/plastic waste nor a dish washing burden for the host or hostess.  Please consider making bringing your own eating ware with you be a habit for any potluck or other event you attend where disposable items might otherwise be used.

Upcoming events (1)

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