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Host of various restaurants for the Month of March

From: Sandie A. S.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 6:05 PM
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all so much for the HUGE amount of requests to meetup at your favorite and various restaurants. All of the suggestions are mighty good ones. The biggest list of requests got the meetups for this coming month of March. Please note that I will post the other suggested ones for April and May. We might even have to run into June with the requests. Wish we could do them all every month! So look for Tommy's on Coventry, Aladdin's, Mekong, Empress Taytu Ethiopian, and a few others (Morgan tell me again the name of the Thai restaurant in Chesterland, please). Also, Mustard Seed in Montrose, maybe Organic Energy (Vegetarian Brunch on Sunday's) in Solon, Udipi's (Indian buffet) in Parma. Please let me know some days that are better than others as to when you'd like to meetup. I know not everyone can get to each one, but the locations and dates are varied so hopefully it's good for everyone who wants to attend! Keep the requests coming. It helps to plan! Any of the assistant organizers can jump in at anytime and put more meetups as well, so keep looking for more things to happen. Don't forget to look at Kevins' site from the Vegetarian Akron group as he has two meetups for March as well. One Saturday, March 20th at 11:30am at VegiTerrean and the other is a Spring Vegan Potluck on Saturday the 27th at 6pm. His site is

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