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Veg Exchange Students need host homes for next school year

From: Don M
Sent on: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 9:57 AM
Here's an email I received from a woman who coordinates host homes for veg exchange kids. I know two families who have done this in the past and had a positive experience. FYI

Good Morning!

We currently have a total of three girls who are vegetarian that are in need of a host family. I am currently working with one family that you forwarded my message to about possibly hosting one of these girls.

In the meantime, two more girls have sent in their applications requesting a vegetarian family. Both of these girls are from Germany. If you may know of anyone that is interested, I would be more than happy to contact them and send the student files for them to view.

Thanks again!

Judy Prater
Area Representative
ASSE Student Exchange Program

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