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Re: [vegetarian-9] Host Family Needed

From: Shanaya K.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 3:22 PM

Dear Vegetarian Meetup Group Members,

My name is Neha and I work for AFS Intercultural Programs, a non profit foreign exchange organization that has been around for over 60 years. AFS strives for peace through international exchanges and cultural understanding and this summer we are trying to find host families for high school students in your area.

We currently have a student interested in inter-cultural experience and is a Vegetarian. His name is Nisarg and he is from Bharat (India)! He will be arriving in the area in mid August.  Prospective host families can begin the process by filling out our Hosting Interest Form. It only takes a few minutes to complete. We have opportunities available to host our students from as short as six weeks to a year.  For more info about our organization you can visit I am also including Nisarg. bio-with this message.

Thank you again for your willingness to post anything on your meetup group bulletin or forward it to your email contacts. I appreciate your time and help.

Thank you again,
Hosting Assistant
[masked] ext 118

Nisarg Bio
Nisarg, who goes by the nickname "Nisu", plays cricket with his friends whenever he is free and says he plays "excellently". He plays the piano often; it helps him to relax. Nisarg also enjoys drawing. He is extroverted and fun loving; his friends call him funny, charming, and helpful. He likes helping his friends. His father describes him as a very sincere, responsible, and adaptable boy, prepared to face challenges and difficulties.  Nisarg is an A+ student, hard working, talented, and creative. He works hard to achieve goals and has received the scholarship to attend high school in the USA. His career goal is to be an aeronautical engineer.  Nisarg has much affection for his parents, little sister, and grandmother.