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Vegan Dinner at Souen Soho - They are closing! :(

Photo of David Greene
Hosted By
David G.


**Come any time between 6:00pm and 9:00pm, stay as long as you want, or leave when you need to. **

So sorry to say, Souen Soho is closing! :( They lost their lease. Come join us for a farewell dinner.

Souen Organic Macrobiotic Restaurant has been a New York institution since 1971. According to New York Magazine, "[Souen's] Japanese-based macrobiotic theory believes healthy, wholesome eating is therapeutic. Meat, dairy, and eggs, and even certain vegetables, are prohibited... all those dark green vegetables, soy, beans, grains... should leave you feeling fantastic."

Attention Members: This is a macrobiotic restaurant that serves fish. While the great majority of dishes on the menu are vegan, please make sure not to order a fish dish.

New York Magazine continues, "the Asian-influenced food at Souen stands on its own. A meaty seitan cutlet with a popped millet crust is crispy outside, chewy inside, and served with sweet, crimson beet sauce. Yuba, fine tofu-skin rolls, are marinated in a light tamari sauce and then steamed. Thick Jappa soup, one of the heartier variations of miso soup on the menu... [t]he whole grains, beans, steamed greens, and hijiki in the Macrobiotic Life platter are plain on their own, but easily enlivened by sweet carrot ginger dressing."

New York Magazine also writes, "[t]he largely Birkenstock-clad crowd must feel comforted by the soft purple and yellow tone walls, the plants and humidity, and the simple wood tables."

According to Time Out New York magazine, "[n]ot strictly vegetarian or vegan, and definitely not raw, Souen offers natural, organic foods with no dairy, wheat, sugar, chemicals, preservatives or [red] meat in a clean, bright and peaceful setting... [t]he Asian-influenced menu is extensive... But don’t be distracted from the chalkboard specials."

For those of you who have never attended one of our Meetup events: this is an incredibly friendly & welcoming group. It will be easy to find our group: most of the people in the restaurant will be in our large group. Everyone pays for their own meal. Easy!

Train Directions: The closest train is the 1 to Houston Street. But you can also take the A, B, C, D, E, F or M Trains to West 4th Street (exit the station via the West 3rd Street exit), or the N or R Trains to Prince Street.

Where to Meet: We'll be meeting inside Souen Soho and taking over most of the restaurant.

Come any time between 6:00pm and 9:00pm, stay as long as you want, or leave when you need to. You will pay for only the food you order (plus tax and tip).

Big thanks to our wonderful organizer Martin, who was responsible for bringing us to Souen Soho every year. Martin, we wish you and your family the very best in Boston.

Souen Soho -- We will miss you greatly! We wish Beth and her wonderful staff the best always.


Photo of The New York City Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup group
The New York City Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup
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Souen Soho
210 6th Avenue (bet. W. Houston St. & Prince St.) · New York, NY