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What we’re about

“This is a group for anyone interested in rock climbing, bouldering, mountaineering and outdoor sports. All outdoor enthusiasts are welcome, independently of the skill level as long as you keep safety as your top priority. We started this group because we are happy to meet other outdoor enthusiasts. We help you find climbing and outdoor partners and maximize your climbing through our weekly climbing sessions and much more.”

"Questo è un gruppo per tutti coloro che hanno la passione per l'arrampicata, l'alpinismo, la montagna e gli sport outdoor. E' aperto per tutti i gli "outdoor enthusiasts", indipendentemente dal livello purché abbiano a cuore la sicurezza. Vi aiuteremo a incontrare altri appassionati outdoor per arrampicare assieme e migliorare la tecnica nei nostri incontri settimanali e molto altro ancora."

Upcoming events (1)

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