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New Meetup: VGN Game Night 6/18

From: Joe
Sent on: Saturday, June 12, 2010, 5:27 PM
What: VGN Game Night 6/18
When: Friday, June 18,[masked]:00 PM
Where:University of Houston University Center (UC)
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, TX 77004

Hi, I received a lot of feedback and most of it was in favor of doing game nights on Fridays while a few were for Wednesdays. So I've scheduled the next game night for next Friday. The schedule might differ from week to week though depending on the availability of the rooms. The next location for game night will be at UH in the University Center - Mediterranean (Rm 91) in the underground of the UC, from 8:00p - 11:50p, maybe later.

This week we'll feature Super Street Fighter IV and we should have Backbreaker Football as well. We'll have a screen for Smash Bros. Brawl as usual. If anyone has a copy of UFC 10 or any other sports games, especially baseball, let me know. DJ Hero should be on hand and we may try and get a 360 LAN going for Unreal Tournament III, Battlefield 2, and maybe Halo 3, or CoD MW2 if anyone is interested. If you have any FPS/multiplayer games or a 360 or screen let me know.

There are usually groups of people on several fighting games including Smash Bros. Brawl, Soul Calibur IV, Tekken 6, Virtua Fighter 5, KOF XII, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom,etc. I want to suggest for the future that people bring more sports games, like maybe NBA 2K10 or Tiger Woods for Wii or UFC.

Some of the games we play include DJ Hero, Virtua Fighter 5, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Fight Night 3&4, Smash Bros. Brawl, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur IV, Street Fighter IV, Boderlands, Call of Duty MW2, Halo ODST/3, KoF XII, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Drake's Fortune 2, Wii Sports Resort, UFC Undisputed 2009, Madden 10, Smackdown vs Raw, Punch Out Wii and a variety of other titles. If you plan to come it would be helpful to let us know what you want to play and what you can bring. We request that you bring your own controller for the game you want to play but it's not mandatory. We've averaged about 20 - 30 gamers coming so disregard the RSVP count.

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