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VGN Game Night 2/12 - Location + Details

From: Joe
Sent on: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 11:41 PM
The next location for game night is in the University Center at UH in the Lone Star (Rm 280) on the second floor of the UC from 7p - 11p. We have been getting great turnouts for the game nights, probably averaging about 30+ gamers. This week these are some of games we'll have on hand. Smash Bros. Brawl, Soul Calibur IV(PS3), House of the Dead 2 & 3(Wii), Call of Duty World at War (360/PS3), Gears of War 2, Guitar Hero 4 (Full Band), and Resistance 2. I will have enough screens to play Left 4 Dead or Gears 2 or COD 4 and WaW multi-player so if you have copies of these games bring them so we could have up to 8 players playing at a time.
Some of the variety of the games also being played at the game Nights include some dance titles, Little Big Planet, Halo 3, Fight Night Round 3, and Mario Kart Wii, Call of Duty 4, Street Fighter III, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK, and Tekken 5 DR. I'm going to try and expand the sports titles being played by inviting some people I know who play football, basketball, baseball, and soccer titles, and adding a few screens and consoles

We play multiplayer games on an HD video projector (from 40 - 200 inches on wall or screen) Call of Duty 4 (360/PS3), Smash Bros. Brawl, Halo 3, Warhawk, Mario Kart Wii, can all be played on the projector as long as people want to play them. We always have the HD projector, but we usually also have at least 1 and sometimes up to 2 or 3 additional projectors brought by gamers who regularly come. And we can get 2 HD screens for co-op play on games like Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, etc.
For fighting games we can get 2 HD screens and we'll have 2 PS3 arcade joystick controllers. We'll probably mainly play Soul Calibur IV and Tekken 5 DR, but we can get Virtua Fighter 5, Dragonball Z Burst Limit, Street Fighter III/Hyper SF II Anniversary Edition, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and Naruto Clash of the Ninja Revolution (Wii), if there are people who want to play them.
We can get another 2 HD screens mainly for playing sports games. I have Madden 09 (360/PS3), and Fight Night Round 3. I could probably get whatever sports game someone might want added to the list as well, such as FIFA, NBA 2K, etc.
I also have 2 or more regular TVs, about 20" and any number of games can be played on it, including Wii Play, Wii Sports, Excite Truck, F-Zero GX (Cube), Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, or whatever someone might bring.

Here's the remaining schedule:
2/12/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Cougar Den (Rm 12)
2/19/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Lone Star (Rm 280)
3/5/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Cougar Den (Rm 12)
3/12/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Spindletop (Rm 242)
3/26/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Cougar Den (Rm 12)
4/2/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Lone Star (Rm 280)
4/9/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Cougar Den (Rm 12)
4/16/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Cougar Den (Rm 12)
4/23/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Cougar Den (Rm 12)
4/30/2009 Thu 7PM Weekly Meeting University Center - Lone Star (Rm 280)

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