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New Meetup: VGN - Big Anime, Console/PC LAN Gaming, DJ's and music/dance Event 5/1/09

From: Joe
Sent on: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 3:14 AM
What: VGN - Big Anime, Console/PC LAN Gaming, DJ's and music/dance Event 5/1/09

When: May 1,[masked]:00 PM

Hey, I wanted to let the VGN group know about a big event coming up on May 1st called Underground Sound. It is a combination of Anime, Video Gaming, and DJing/music/dance. It will take place at UH in the University Center Underground from 6p - 12a. There will be anime viewing rooms, console gaming rooms and I think a PC LAN room too, and a DJing dance area too. I will be helping with the gaming aspect. I wanted to see if anyone was interested in doing PC LAN gaming and whether anyone could bring some equipment. I know of several people who have mentioned they have servers, etc. I'll send out some more details later like what games we'll have etc. Suggest anything you want.

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