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RE: [vocalists-164] Message Board Etiquette

From: DL B.
Sent on: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 10:06 PM
Yeah I've been writing, I just cannot afford to drive into Nashville until I get some steady income (I live an hour and some change North East of Nashville). Problem is, not many jobs out here in the country. I have been writing a bunch though. Here's a few of my latest tracks:

Feel free to critique. And please check me out on myspace and youtube.

Love, Peace, and Rock 'N' Roll,

Allen <[address removed]> wrote:
    Roger Roger!
 Thanks for cleaning things up for us here. I still wonder where the majority of the group is hiding. It seems to be only 4 or 5 of us that are exchanging & typing e-mails.
But, most of the credit should go to the "Fantastic Five". Or, is that The "Fabulous Five"? Lol! They are attending the Meetups!
Who am I missing? Eric...where are you hiding?
I read that Ric has been busy with writing & recording the last couple of months somewhere.
I know I recently posted a couple of "Shouts", one for Jo, & one for Lori C. I believe!

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [vocalists-164] Message Board Etiquette
Date: Sun, 14 Oct[masked]:30:04 -0400

Hey all,
I just cleaned up the message board and wanted to send out a quick email about some things I noticed.

1. I saw a couple of cell phone and home phone numbers posted. Please be aware that if you reply to [address removed], your comments/information will be posted on the message board for all members to see.

2. Sarcasm can't be read; I noticed some postings that seemed a bit harsh and I'm sure the sender was being sarcastic, but please be aware of how you word your emails; this group is intended to be a positive place for songwriters to interact with each other.

Besides that, looking forward to Thursday at Lyrix Cafe. Hope you're having a great weekend.


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Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook ? together at last. Get it now!

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This message was sent by Allen ([address removed]) from The Nashville Songwriters Meetup Group.
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