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A thought - should we devise a members' directory? Feedback would be great!

From: JO
Sent on: Saturday, September 28, 2013, 9:39 AM

Over the years, I have had lots of requests from members to "advertise" their businesses by sending out an email to our members regarding their services and/or products.  I've resisted the temptation to do so as this group is all about supporting one another and helping each other to become better at the craft of songwriting & performance.  I was thinking about developing a directory that could be accessible through the website - no one would receive unwanted advertising emails, but would have the option to check out the list of businesses if they have the need.  What do you think?  I'd love to hear from you all - I don't know too many songwriters and musicians who don't have day jobs :)

Thanks!  JO