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New Meetup: Lake Chabot Marina

From: Mike
Sent on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 9:22 AM
This is a relatively easy walk down one side of Lake Chabot. It's not a paved trail but it's wide and mostly level. The walk should take about an hour and a half.

After the walk we'll meet at Starbucks for coffee at 1057 MacArthur Boulevard in San Leandro.

MEETING DATE AND TIME: Saturday, 3/6/10 at 10:00 am

ADDRESS: 17400 Lake Chabot Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546

WHERE WILL WE MEET: By the parking lot attendant

PARKING: $5 to park in the lot or free to park on the street and walk in (it's not very far to walk in from the street to the parking lot attendant).

Learn more here:

CONTACT INFO: Mike Barker,[masked]

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