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What we’re about

This group is created for the purpose of getting people together with the prospective to combine the skills of talking, walking and being social to create connections between people. Otherwise - we want to create new friends, meet for the purposes of communication, enjoying each other company, enjoy the walk outdoors and combine your communication and walking skills. During our walks we want everyone to enjoy the beautiful nature and surroundings together and at the same time enjoy the company of each other in social events such as lunch, coffee or dinner together.
This group is open to any age.
We are planning to meet every 2-3 weeks around City of Sydney, Eastern suburbs or Inner West. Our walks will be between 2-5 kilometres and will start or finish with a coffee/tea/lunch/dinner, and socialising.
****Starting Time:
Our meetups are staring on time with some flexibility to arrive 10-15 minutes early and leaving  1 0-15 minutes later.  We will not be waiting more than 10-15 minutes of the designated time as it is unfair for people who arrive on time or 15 minutes earlier.  Please give yourself plenty of time to arrive on time, allowing for Sydney traffic and/ or public transport delays.
Meetups are generally incurring a small fee to attend.  These are small fees to cover leaders’ costs getting to and from event, replenishing first aid kit, pay for 1st aid training and preparing maps for the event.
The suggested gratuities are $5.00 for a meetup.  The fees collected are provided to the leader on the day or by PayID. 
Some pre-paid meetups will not incur gratuities.
**Reminder: When adding yourself to a group, please specify your real first name in English and your real photo. In case if your name is not real (or in another language) and if you are using a photo of someone famous (eg. a famous actors/athletes/businessmen/models), I would eventually remove it.
****Health and Safety Personal Responsibility Disclaimer:
Our activities are for recreational purposes and involve mainly easy level of walking and swimming.   All participants and their guests by choosing to RSVP to any event are agreeing to always take their own full responsibility and their liability for their own safety and health during meetup event. Attendees will at no time hold the organizer and/or event leader/event host responsible for any accident, misadventure and ill health that may occur whilst attending an event including damage to or loss of belongings.  Children are only permitted to attend at the notification of the event host or leader.  Each child must be monitored 100% of the time by the parent/s.
Attendees who RSVP ‘yes’ for an event agree that It is their responsibility to ensure they are fit enough to attend the walk and /or swim event.
Important note: ‘Walking, Talking and Socialising’, its organisers and leaders accept no liability during any meetup event.   Please take responsibility for your own safety and your belongings.