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What we’re about

 This meetup is open for anybody who:
-likes to discuss,
-likes to improve personality and character,
-is an open-minded person,
-wants success in life.
It is not:
-religious meeting,
-meeting for teaching or to be taught, 
-Christian meeting (however, Christians are welcome to join as well).
It is open for any beliefs, worldviews, culture, nationality, etc.
We do:
-read fragments from the Bible,
-discuss them, share our thoughts,
-try to learn something useful from that ancient book.
Why do we read the Bible?
It is a wise book. It was written in a period of about 1600 years (1400 BCE - 30 CE) by many authors on three continents, and I doubt that the nature of human changed from that moment. I believe we can learn a lot listening one each other.
Meeting are free of charge, but we usually meet at restaurants or coffee shops so it would be nice if you order something small to eat or drink. It is not necessary but welcome.
Agenda (I hope to close a meeting in 1,5-2h):-welcome (15 min)-reading (5-15min)-discussion (observation, interpretation, application) (35-45min)-closing thoughts (15min)