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Wealth Building September Cashflow Game Event

Photo of Takeshi "Ken" Yashima
Hosted By
Takeshi "Ken" Y.
Wealth Building September Cashflow Game Event


Attention to Wealth Producers!

Some request to play cashflow 101. So we will play cashflow 101 this time.

It's time to play cash flow game to increase financial IQ!!!

CASHFLOW® is an educational board game that teaches accounting, finance, and investing at the same time - and makes learning fun. Developed by Robert Kiyosaki, the Best Selling Author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, this game will change the way you look at money and wealth.

Learn why the idea of creating wealth by building assets (by having a home, car, clothes and jewelry) is a myth and how one simple shift in your thinking can change your financial life. Learn the secrets of cash flow and how to never worry about money again. Learn how to achieve your dreams, how to stop the financial "bleeding", how to become financially secure, and how to get out of the rat race forever.

This board game will transform the "money mind-set" of anyone who plays, whether they are new to financial information, or seasoned investors.

Cash Flow Game Schedule:

3:00PM - 5:30PM - Playing Cash Flow Game (Including discussion)

CASHFLOW® 101 - No experience necessary. CASHFLOW® 101 will teach you basic financial / investing knowledge that crucial for your success.

In CASHFLOW® 101, you will learn how to

• Take control of your personal finances
• Manage the cash flow activities necessary to build a business
• Invest with greater confidence in real estate and other businesses

CASHFLOW® 101 was created to teach people how to become a master of money and elevate their financial IQ.)

Cost: Although game is free, we highly encourage everyone to buy food, drink or both. Let's appreciate venue (To be announced to the attendees) to provide such a great venue.

We value education. This is our sincere hope that everyone learns something valuable via playing game, learning from each other and getting education from fellow cashflow game players.

Everybody who wants to learn financial education is welcome!

I look forward to meeting you at the game!

Photo of Wealth Producers Group - Los Angeles group
Wealth Producers Group - Los Angeles
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9208 Flair Dr · El Monte, CA
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