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Alice - The Musical (KAT Theatre)

Photo of Tanya Piejus
Hosted By
Tanya P.
Alice - The Musical (KAT Theatre)


RSVP and pay for your tickets into account number 38-9007-0859804-01 with 'Persuasion' as the reference by 9 pm on Thursday 20 June and I'll book tickets for the group. Tickets cost $31 for waged adults and $26 for unwaged adults and students, including booking fees.

Performance starts at 7 pm at Cochran Hall.


An episodic musical romp featuring many of the key episodes in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

Photo of Wellington Theatre-goers group
Wellington Theatre-goers
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Thursday, June 20, 2024
9:00 AM
Cochran Hall
· Wellington
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